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Hi There!
I'm Nicole.


If you found this site, you're probably a coach. 🙌🏽

And...if you are tired of the over complicated tech systems needed to run your online coaching business, you are in the right place! 

I help coaches build their online business machine with one tool,  Kajabi.

Hi There!


If you found this site, you're probably a coach. 🙌🏽

And...if you are ready to simplify and elevate your entire business with Kajabi, you are in the right place!

Get started by grabbing my coach-favorite free resource below to finally create that course idea that's been stuck in your head!

Grab My Course Curriculum Planner

I've been where you are...

 Keeping up with all the online marketing trends, throwing freebies, and offers into the void of the internet just to hear crickets.

After years of doing All.The.Things, working harder than I ever did in my 9-5 career, and having little to nothing but burnout to show for it...

I was determined to find a better way to grow a digital knowledge and coaching business.

4 years later, I help everyday experts and coaches simplify their businesses so they can focus on their craft and their clients. 


Developing systems. Improving digital programs. Rinse. Repeat...all in one platform, Kajabi.

It's a simple pattern I love to teach because it takes out all the guessing of scaling an online coaching business and puts focus on what really matters:

1. Having the best programs & learning experiences
(oh hello, flowing referrals)

2. Developing systems to support your and your clients (oh, hey sales automation)

"Nicole is an online coach's best friend.

She is always finding ways to lessen the workload so that coaches can actually do what they love. Working with Nicole gave me the confidence to create automated systems for me to grow my email list, provide value, and sell my programs in my sleep."

Becky Tibbetts, PCC
Inspire Development Coaching

 - Free Planner -

Course Curriculum Planner

Plan your entire course in one place! 

1. Program Promise

2. Ideal Client 

3. Core Framework

4. Program Features

5. Pricing

6. Course Outline

7. Modules, lessons, and worksheet details. 

...All in one place for you to craft your client transformation without booking out your calendar.

"From 20 years of experience into a hybrid coaching program.

As a mortgage brokerage expert, I was constantly getting questions from loan officers wanting to make the transitioning into a brokerage owner. However, I didn't have the time to answer every question. Nicole helped me package up my expertise to meet these ideal coaching clients where they are and provide them with transformational knowledge. The program ran on automated systems, so I got to just show up and coach."

Celline Iglesais
Founder of TMPO Academy 

Learn with Nicole

There's no need to hustle or "do it all". Instead, I offer coaching and course creation programs to help you turn your skills and passions into a scalable coaching business all in one platform, Kajabi.

Subscriber Systems

 Find your first 1,000+ email subscribers by creating simple Kajabi email automations, value packed sequences, and a high-converting freebie funnel.

6 Weeks of 1:1 Coaching for new email marketers or anyone looking to streamline their lead generation. 

Learn more with a Free Coaching Session

Course Creator 

Create a top-rated Kajabi course & enroll your first paid students so you can add a scaleable revenue stream to your coaching business.

9 Weeks of 1:1 Coaching for coaches, & consultants who are ready to expand their earning potential beyond their calendar.

Learn More with a Free Coaching Session

Automate & Amplify

Use sustainable sales strategies to create an evergreen ecosystem in Kajabi for your online course so you can add $5K+/month to your coaching business year-round.

9 Weeks of 1:1 Coaching for coaches who have an active course and are ready to scale.

Learn More with a Free Coaching Session


Hey There! I'm Nicole

I'm a digital course expert and solopreneur with a pretty unique backstory. 

Not only have I taught thousands of students online and built online programs for top US universities, but I've also been fortunate to work for some amazing coaches and consultants:

  • Instructional Designer for TMPO Academy, LLC.
  • Systems Consultant for Luminous Spark Coaching, LLC.
  • Sales Operations Coach for SmithCo., LLC.
  • Online Operations Coach for Digital Recruiter, LLC.
  • Training Systems Consultant for Kaizent Privacy Pros, LLC.

All in all, I'm a former educator, a momma, an Air Force wife, and instructional technologies nerd. Welcome to my slice of the inter-webs. 

I'm here to help - Free Coaching Session